Northfield FIne arts Boosters
The Northfield Fine Arts Boosters (NFAB), founded in 2010 in Northfield, MN, provides resources and promotes community support for fine arts programs at Northfield Public Schools. Through the generous support of individuals and area businesses, the Fine Arts Boosters provide critical support to band, choir, orchestra, speech, music listening, theater, and visual arts programs in Northfield.
The Arts are a collaborative magic—and like other team pursuits, the Arts in our school district rely on financial support to happen. So now it’s our turn as families and friends of these aspiring artists to keep their spirits turned on and their Arts activities in full swing. Here at the Northfield Fine Arts Boosters, we work on your behalf to put money where our hearts are by passing along your donations to the Arts instructors and programs that these kids enjoy.
The creative practices and performances our teachers do with our elementary, middle, and high school students take a lot of care—and these endeavors take money. For sheet music. For scripts. For portfolios. For uniforms and costumes. Travel and guest artists. Rosin. Props. Paint. Your financial backing tells young artists that pursuing creativity has value and is worth the effort. What do they discover? Rhythms, lines, and moves, for sure—and along the way confidence, cooperation, perseverance, and mastery.
Please, we invite you to take a minute to consider how crucial the Arts are in our community and how fortunate Northfield’s teachers are to learn alongside your wonderful children. Let’s celebrate the Arts by giving to their success. Every (tax deductible) donation matters as we build toward an Arts education program in the Northfield public schools that includes all students in the cast, the band, the choir, the studio, the team.
Thanks for helping to make the magic happen!